Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Value of 10 Minutes: Writing Advice for the Time-Less Academic

I really like this article by Gregory Semenza: The Value of 10 Minutes: Writing Advice for the Time-Less Academic.

Here's a brief summary:
Most people make the mistake of surrendering these small bits of time to distractions. But what if we made a habit of using one, two, or even three of the 10- to 15-minute troughs in our day for real writing instead? Undoubtedly your best writing will still come in focused periods of about 90 to 120 minutes. But I can think of at least three reasons why writing in 10- to 15-minute bursts throughout your work week will make you a significantly more productive, focused, and satisfied writer.
Reason 1: It makes writing less daunting.
Reason 2: It makes you want to write more.
Reason 3: It helps you stay in the flow.

Read the article to find out more!

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